Announcements : 

Nau Mai, Haere mai, Welcome to MWPS                                        Classes open at 8:30am                                                School starts at 8:50am

Learning In Action

MWPS Celebrates Matariki

Our celebration of Matariki was a vibrant and heartwarming event. We spent two weeks learning about Matariki, how to find the star cluster in the night sky, and the meaning behind each of the stars. Arts and crafts workshops provided opportunities for students to create Matariki whetū (stars) and manu tukutuku (kites). The celebrations concluded with a special assembly led by our student leaders, which included kapa haka performances, speeches from Pīwakawaka Whānau, a special presentation for our Kaikaranga and a gorgeous retelling of the Matariki story by our New Entrant hub. Mr. Dilling, our MWPS hāngī master, along with a team of Tūī Whānau master chefs, made chicken, pork, and vegetable hāngī as well as delicious rēwana bread, which was shared with both staff and students. For many, this was their first taste of hāngī. Every learner at MWPS also enjoyed a delicious hāngī box provided by our brothers and sisters at Manurewa High School. We wrapped up our celebrations with a whole school kite flying event, where the kites we had spent designing and creating got to fly high on the school field.

MPSSA Rugby League

This week, Mr Dilling and Mr Josh took the Senior Boys Rugby League team to Bruce Pullman Park to compete in the Counties Manukau Rugby League competition. The boys played and won 4 games against other Manurewa Schools before facing Rowandale Primary in the final.  In an incredibly fast-paced game that saw the lead change hands many times, the score was 9-8 to Rowandale Primary when the final hooter sounded.  The team were absolutely magnificent in representing MWPS.  TW5’s Tsidkenu was the overall MVP of the day for his work rate, leadership and coaching support. Ka Pai tō mahi boys!!  We are so proud of you! 

MPSSA Girls Rugby

What an awesome day out with our Manurewa West Girls Rugby Team!  The girls showed amazing resilience, passion, commitment and teamwork during each game.  What started off with getting to know the game, being a bit fresh to the field, ended with the grazed knees, strong players and most importantly the biggest smiles! We were able to finish the day as Second Place holders of the Plate Round which was a huge achievement for a team that didn’t have much experience playing together at all.  As always, our students rose to the challenge and played their hearts out!! Ka Pai tō Mahi girls!!  We are so proud of you! 

House Competition: Hosts Kowhai

Kowhai continued our Samoan Celebrations with all the challenges inspired by traditional Samoan games. Our Manono (Juniors) played Coconut Toss and Collecting the Coconuts on the Junior Courts while our Upolo (Middles) played Coconut Centipede in the hall with total focus and heaps of laughter. Our Seniors (Sava’ii) were in full competition mode in Faifai Lemū an obstacle course that involved using sticks to move coconuts, jumping islands in a ‘the floor is lava’ element and finally unscrambling the Samoan phrase to be crowned champions. What an afternoon of fun!

MPSSA Boys Soccer

The Soccer Tournament took place this week at McLennan Park in Papakura, featuring participation from eight other schools.  MWPS fielded two teams, totalling 22 players. Team A, under the guidance of Mr Naicker, secured a commendable third-place finish, while Team B, led by Mr Chen, achieved a respectable fourth place overall.  This event provided an exciting opportunity for our students to enhance their collaborative skills beyond the confines of the classroom, fostering new friendships with peers from other schools in the process.

Samoan Language Week

The 2024 theme for Samoa Language Week is ‘Tautua i le alofa, manuia le lumana’i – Serve in love for a blessed future’.

This year’s theme was prepared by SAASIA – The Association of Aoga Amata (Samoan early childhood centres) in New Zealand.  It focuses on tautua (service) and aims to clearly express the significance of service that is founded on love – “Love is the driving force of service.  No matter what service looks like or who is doing it, service is accomplished through the power of love.  Affirming that maintaining the Samoan language is also achieved through service – through the Samoan values of alofa (love), fa’aaloalo (respect), and especially in the vā fealoa’i (respectful relationships) that guide and protect Samoan people.  Service begins in the family and continues in schools, villages, churches, communities, and wherever Samoan people are.  The ongoing mission, therefore, is the collective preservation of language and identity for Samoan children into the future. (Source:Ministry for Pasific Peoples -Google)

At MWPS, Samoan Language Week concluded with a vibrant celebration on Friday morning, featuring prayer, dance, music, singing, shared food, and a fono. We are incredibly proud of all our students who participated in this week-long focus on Samoan cultural performing and visual arts, language, traditions, customs, and fascinating myths and legends.  How fortunate we are to have such strength in our diversity, allowing us to stay true to who we are and where we come from.  We are so blessed to have so many students and aiga who identify as Samoan amongst us.  A huge thank you to our Bi-Cultural Team of Teaching and Support Staff who are so passionate about strong culturally responsive teaching and learning programmes, thank you for your hard work.

MPSSA Ruby Tournament

On Tuesday, MWPS defended their champion title at the MPSSA Boys Rugby Tournament. The boys played one game after another showing their incredible skill and outstanding ability to work as a team and get the job done – coming out on top after a nail-biting final, as back-to-back champions! A big thank you to Mr Josh and Mr Daculan for supporting the team and Mr Josh’s dad who lent us his coaching skills on the day! An amazing result!  

Road Safety Week

The theme for this year’s Road Safety Week is ‘Be a Road Safety Hero’ by recognising that whoever plays a part in making our roads and journeys safer is a hero. The team from Auckland Transport, our Police Education Officer and our MWPS Road Patrollers were out in force on our school zebra crossing showing members of the public, our learners and their whānau how they could be Road Safety Heroes. All classroom programs have included a road safety awareness component over the week.  Keeping ourselves safe on the roads is of critical importance every day.  Ensuring safety on the roads around our kura is crucial to protect children, whanau, and staff from road accidents and injuries.

House Competition: Hosts Kakariki

This week was Kakariki’s turn to host our fortnightly House Competition and they ran three phenomenal digital technology activities across the school. Our Year 1s and 2s indulged in computational thinking with Lego, Our Year 3s were totally engrossed in a collaborative Kaibot activity, and our learners in Years 4 – 6 battled it out on the astro turf in a Sphero obstacle course!

Tūī Whānau White Water Rafting

Tui Whānau had the wonderful experience of going to Vector Wero Whitewater Park in Manukau to experience white water rafting and learn about water and river safety, a first-time experience for many students.  This is a community-sponsored event where Vector Wero White Water Park is dedicated to offering the largest schools and community programmes for white water experiences globally.  Their programmes cover youth development, self-confidence, water safety, teamwork, risk-taking, and high-performance sports.  In New Zealand, more people drown in rivers than in any other aquatic environment.  The resources focus on teaching river safety, helping people understand rivers, learn basic river safety skills, and enjoy rivers safely.

Key water safety messages for rivers include: never swim alone and never jump into a river without checking the depth or for obstacles.  A huge thank you to Vector Wero White Water Park in partnering with the John Walker Trust “Field of Dreams for making this experience possible for our students.  Thank you, Mrs Bowden and Tui Whānau staff for your organisation and support of this event.

Pink Shirt Day at MWPS

Last Friday we celebrated Pink Shirt Day, a day dedicated to promoting kindness, inclusivity, and anti-bullying.  Pink Shirt Day is a powerful reminder that we all have a role to play in creating a safe and supportive environment for everyone.  At our kura we take this responsibility very seriously, doing our level best to ensure all of our ākonga and whānau are able to come into a safe school environment every day.  We encouraged all students, staff, and whānau to wear pink to show their support for this important cause.  Let’s stand together to spread a message of kindness and acceptance, and to take a stand against bullying every and any opportunity that we may have.

MWPS Book Blast

Our annual MWPS Book Blast celebration has been a whirlwind of literacy over the past two weeks, igniting our love for reading from the start of the term. Students across all classes have embarked on fun reading missions, soaking up stories under the sun on the playground, courts, and in our serene garden, while also delving into art, science inquiries and coding activities.  From designing imaginative book covers to crafting insightful book reviews and completing coding challenges, our learners have embraced the joy of reading wholeheartedly.  

Today’s annual MWPS Character Parade was an absolute highlight with students bringing their favourite characters to life through a range of creative costumes. The air buzzed with excitement as familiar faces from beloved stories roamed the hall, sparking conversations and inspiring even more reading adventures.  The parade not only showcased our students’ enthusiasm for literacy but also fostered a sense of camaraderie and imagination.  It was a fitting finale to our Book Blast celebration, leaving us all eagerly anticipating the next chapter in our literacy journey. A huge thank you to Mrs Gosnell for all the hard mahi put into co-ordinating two outstanding literacy experiences, our MWPS Book Blast and Writing Week. 

MWPS Learning Expo

Our Learning Expo was a resounding success, with a large number of whānau and students attending. It’s truly heartening to witness such high levels of engagement in interactive learning experiences among students, families, and teachers alike in literacy, maths and digital technology games. Our key focus is empowering families with resources they can take home, enabling opportunities for collaborative learning and playful exploration together. By reinforcing classroom learning in a fun and interactive manner at home, we aim to strengthen the connection between school and whānau/families, creating a supportive environment where learning knows no bounds. Thank you to everyone who made time to attend the Learning Expo.  A massive thank you to Mrs Bowden who is the coordinator extraordinaire of school events, for an outstanding job. We are grateful for the behind-the-scenes help provided by Learning Assistants and to all our MWPS staff for their energy and enthusiasm on the night.

Street Rackets at MWPS

The wonderful Brian Barnett with the generosity of the Grassroots Trust has introduced our students to the sport of Street Rackets.  Street Rackets “Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere” embodies an integrative and inclusive approach to physical activity and education, and our kids love it!! William Wairua from the AM Breakfast Show came along last Thursday for a live broadcast of a select group of students playing Street Rackets.  A huge thank you to Brian Barnett and our MWPS staff who supported our students during practice sessions and on the morning of the livestream.

MWPS Literacy in the Spotlight

What an exciting and eventful week we had last week. Talk about the term starting with a bang! We were thrilled to showcase our amazing learners and host the Director of Education for Auckland South-West Region, the Minister of Education, and the Prime Minister, who were here to celebrate our success in literacy. During their visit, they engaged in insightful discussions with our Senior Leadership Team about the effectiveness of our structured literacy approach implemented across all classrooms at MWPS. They also had the opportunity to witness this approach firsthand in the classroom.

Their visit was further highlighted by the pre-budget announcement of $67 million allocated to support structured teaching methodologies. This funding will not only facilitate professional learning and development in structured teaching approaches over the next four years but also contribute towards essential classroom resources.

A huge thank you to our Senior Leadership Team for their input, to Mrs Connal, Mrs Gosnell, and Mrs Henare for demonstrating the structured literacy approach to our special visitors and the media, and to Mr Dilling and Ms Reedy for organizing our karanga and waiata with our amazing group of students. 

ANZAC Assembly

Yesterday, our school came together for our annual ANZAC Day Commemoration assembly, a cherished tradition in our calendar of events.  This solemn occasion serves as a poignant reminder of the courage and sacrifice of the men and women who bravely served in the war, securing the freedoms we are grateful for today.  As we gathered to honour their memory, we reflected on the profound impact their bravery has had on shaping our nation and the world. 

Their selflessness and resilience continue to inspire us, reminding us of the importance of unity, remembrance and gratitude.  Through heartfelt tributes, readings and moments of silence, we paid homage to those who made the ultimate sacrifice, ensuring that their legacy lives on in our hearts and minds.  As a school community, we are deeply committed to preserving the memory of our ANZAC heroes and ensuring that their sacrifices are never forgotten.  May we always honour their memory with reverence and gratitude, and may their courage serve as a beacon of hope for generations to come.

Lest we forget.

TVNZ Breakfast Show

MWPS had a chance to talk about an important issue on the TVNZ Breakfast Show last Wednesday. Harmony and Kendrick did a fabulous job representing our kura. Kei te pai to mahi! Kendrick was fascinated by the TVNZ camera equipment and had a turn behind the lens. What a moment!

The potential decision by this government to cut the Lunch in Schools Programme is deeply concerning for our community. This programme plays a crucial role in supporting our whānau by removing the burden of financial stress and worry, ensuring our tamariki have access to nutritious food and enabling working whānau to focus on other priorities, such as school, work and their health needs.

The impact of this decision cannot be overstated, particularly in light of the positive outcomes we have witnessed. The provision of school lunches has been instrumental in encouraging regular attendance, as families no longer need to worry about their children going hungry during the school day. Manurewa High School, our lunch provider offers our students the opportunity to enjoy and appreciate healthy food options that may not be readily available to them at home, and the quality of the meals has been exceptional.  By exposing our students to nutritious meals, we are not only addressing immediate food needs but also promoting long-term health and well-being. 

We urge the government to reconsider this decision and prioritise the well-being of our community by maintaining funding for this essential programme. 

Whānau let’s get behind this kaupapa and make your concerns heard!

Writing Week

The highlight of this year’s Writing Week is our collective endeavour to write our very own Enchanted Forest stories, each to be immortalised in a special book for our library.  These stories are all linked to our Ngāhere inquiry, where our Riroriro learners delve into the world of native trees, Pīwakawaka akongā insects and bugs, and our Tūī Whānau students explore the wonders of native birds.  Through the magic of storytelling, our students will weave tales that celebrate the beauty and diversity of our natural surroundings, incorporating the knowledge and insights gained from their Ngāhere inquiry. From ancient forests teeming with life to mystical encounters with native creatures, these stories will enchant readers of all ages and inspire a deeper connection to our environment.  To complement our enchanting tales, students will harness the power of CANVA augmented reality tools to create stunning illustrations that leap off the page and into the hearts of readers.  From vibrant depictions of native flora and fauna to whimsical landscapes straight out of our imaginations, these illustrations will add an extra layer of magic to our Enchanted Forest stories.  Exciting times.

Stay tuned for our release date!

The Auckland Performing Arts Centre (TAPAC)

Recently, sixty of our Year 5 and 6 students participated in a range of Drama workshops provided by The Auckland Performing Arts Centre (TAPAC) -and boy did our kids have fun! These sessions offered our students a valuable opportunity to explore and nurture their talents and interests in the performing arts.

Drama lessons are more than just a creative outlet; they’re incredibly beneficial for personal growth and development. Through acting, movement, and expression, our students not only deepen their understanding of theatrical arts but also develop skills such as confidence, creativity, and effective communication.

The impact of these sessions extends beyond the stage, empowering our students to excel in various aspects of life, from public speaking to teamwork and self-expression. We’re immensely grateful for the opportunity for our students to learn from trained Drama teachers, and the fact that these sessions were provided free of charge is truly remarkable.

A heartfelt thank you to TAPAC for their generosity and dedication to nurturing the artistic talents of our students. Your support is invaluable, and we’re deeply appreciative of the positive impact you’ve had on our MWPS community.

MPSSA Cricket

On Wednesday, March 13th, Mr. Daculan and Mrs. Bowden led our Year 5 and 6 Cricket Teams at Mountford Park for the MPSSA Cricket Tournament, and what a day it was! Our teams truly shined, with our Boys team clinching the tournament victory and our mixed team securing a fantastic 2nd place finish.

The display of skills showcased by our students, from their bowling prowess to their batting finesse, was nothing short of impressive! Look out Black Caps our learners are up and coming!

Ka rawe! 

Pīwakawaka Whānau Butterfly Creek Trip

Piwakawaka Whānau had an amazing adventure this week as they visited Butterfly Creek! It was an enriching experience that allowed our students to connect with nature, delve into biodiversity, and develop a deep appreciation for the world around them.

During their time at Butterfly Creek, our students engaged in hands-on learning experiences that will leave a lasting impact on their understanding of science and conservation. From exploring insect life cycles to discovering the importance of habitats within ecosystems, every moment was filled with wonder and discovery.

One of the highlights of the trip was witnessing the feeding sessions of the crocodiles, which left our students in awe of the incredible creatures that inhabit our planet.

Thank you to everyone involved for your commitment to providing our students with meaningful learning experiences that will inspire them to become the kaitiakitanga of the future.

Athletics Day

What an incredible day we had at our annual Athletics Day on Thursday, March 7th! The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and camaraderie as our students, houses, and staff came together for a day of spirited competition.

The battles between the houses and the staff were thrilling to watch, showcasing remarkable displays of strength and teamwork. It’s moments like these that truly highlight the amazing talent and spirit within our MWPS community.

A huge congratulations to all the students who were crowned Athletics Day champions for 2024! Their hard work and dedication have paid off, and we couldn’t be prouder of their achievements. A special shout out to Kowhai, the winning house on the day. But will their winning streak hold, as are house points are incredibly close!

Events like Athletics Day play a vital role in bringing our school community together and creating lasting memories. We’re incredibly grateful to our students and whānau for their enthusiastic participation, sportsmanship, and support throughout the day.

Riroriro Whānau Trip to the Auckland Zoo

Our Year 1 and 2 learners recently embarked on a memorable journey to the zoo, and it was truly an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

During their visit, our tamariki had the incredible opportunity to see animals they may have only read about or seen on TV. From majestic lions to playful monkeys, they immersed themselves in the wonders of the animal kingdom.

Guided tours and educational programs tailored to our MWPS groups provided invaluable insights into different species, their habitats, behaviours, and adaptations to their environments. This hands-on learning experience was both educational and inspiring for our young learners.

But this trip was about more than just observing animals—it was a chance for our children to develop empathy and compassion. By learning about the challenges faced by endangered species, they were inspired to become advocates for conservation efforts.

Whakapapa Trip

Over the past few weeks, we embarked on a journey of connection and heritage! Our whakapapa journey took us to Matukutūreia, the Puhinui Stream, and the Ngāhere trail—it was a great chance for us to deepen our understanding of our local landscape and its significance to mana whenua.

This trip held great importance as we explored the rich history that shapes our identity as a school and community. By visiting these sacred sites, we gained invaluable insights into our cultural heritage and the stories that shape our collective narrative. It was an opportunity to walk in the footsteps of our ancestors and honour the legacy they left behind. Now when our akongā share our school pepeha, they will do so with confidence having seen our maungā and our awa with their own eyes. 

Whānau Picnic

Our family picnic night at Manurewa West Primary School was a big hit!

The sun shone brightly as numerous families gathered with their blankets, pizza, KFC or yummy homemade picnics. The atmosphere was full of laughter and joy as we chatted and watched all our children enjoy themselves on the turf, fields and playgrounds. Our dedicated staff engaged with attendees, fostering a sense of community through fun games and activities.

A huge shoutout to all the amazing parents and wider whānau who joined in on all the fun and laughter! You guys rocked all the cultural games like true champions! And let’s not forget those brave souls who battled it out competing against their own kids. You’re all heroes in our book!

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for making the evening unforgettable with your laughter, energy, and awesome company!

Big Foot Bikes

MWPS was fortunate to have Big Foot Bikes onsite over the past week, collaborating with our Tūī Whānau learners. Throughout this period, students learnt about bike safety checks, legal requirements, clothing choices, and safe riding techniques. It was an enjoyable session in the sunshine, providing a brand-new experience for many. Through engaging bike training sessions, our students refined their cycling skills and embraced the art of riding confidently and safely. We’re proud to have partnered with Bigfoot Bikes for this important safety event, enriching our school community with invaluable biking knowledge and skills!

MWPS Property Updates

Exciting news, everyone! We’re thrilled to announce the completion of the upgrades to the Tūī Whānau playground and the resurfacing of the covered courts with top-of-the-line tiger turf over the summer break. These enhancements are a testament to our commitment to providing our community with exceptional recreational facilities.

These revitalized spaces offer our children a wealth of opportunities to engage in enriching physical activities, fostering their overall well-being and development. From playtime adventures to structured sports, the upgraded areas are designed to promote active lifestyles and learning integration. What’s more, we’ve ensured that the design of these spaces reflects our connection to Te Ao Māori, embracing cultural values and environmental consciousness.

We can’t wait to see our tamariki thrive as they explore and enjoy these newly enhanced spaces. Thank you to everyone involved in making these upgrades possible—it’s truly a community effort that benefits us all!


MWPS Values

Kaitiakitanga is about stewardship, guardianship, and sustainability.  As a family, valuing kaitiakitanga encourages us to adopt sustainable practices and respect the natural world, instilling a sense of environmental responsibility and cultural pride.  Within our school community, kaitiakitanga promotes environmental awareness and sustainability initiatives, empowering students, staff, and parents to make eco-friendly choices and protect our planet for future generations.

Manaakitanga is about kindness, respect, and hospitality towards others.  Within our school community, manaakitanga promotes inclusivity and enhances the overall well-being of students, staff, and parents contributing to a positive school culture.  As a family, embodying manaakitanga fosters a sense of unity and belonging, creating a nurturing atmosphere where everyone feels cared for and respected. 

Whanaungatanga is about the importance of building and maintaining relationships based on kinship and connection. As a family, valuing whanaungatanga strengthens our bonds and reinforces the importance of supporting one another through thick and thin.  Within our school community, whanaungatanga promotes collaboration and cooperation, creating a sense of unity and belonging among students, staff, and parents.

Rangatiratanga is about leadership, self-determination, and empowerment.  As a family, embodying rangatiratanga instills a sense of responsibility and accountability, inspiring us to lead by example and make a difference in the lives of others.  Within our school community, rangatiratanga fosters leadership skills and fosters a culture of innovation and excellence, where everyone is encouraged to reach their full potential and make a positive impact.


Mihi Whakatau

On the first Friday of the 2024 school year, we warmly welcomed new students and staff to MWPS with a traditional Māori welcome called a mihi whakatau. A mihi whakatau is a form of welcome similar to a pōwhiri, but less formal. 

A big MWPS welcome to our new families! We’re thrilled you picked MWPS for your kids and whānau.  

 2023 Prize Giving
Manurewa West was buzzing with excitement during our end-of-year prizegiving ceremonies. These events marked the end of the school year, celebrating all the great things our students achieved and learned. Everyone, including families and teachers, gathered to cheer for each student and recognize their special accomplishments. Prizegiving is a time filled with pride, teamwork, and encouragement, creating memories that stick with us as we say goodbye to another awesome school year.
2023 House Champions
Kowhai has truly shone as this year’s house champions, surpassing rivals Karakaraka, Kakariki, and Waiporoporo. Achieving a clean sweep by securing the most house points in Term 1, Term 2, Term 3 and Term 4,  shows how consistent and competitive they’ve been in a range of competitions. Kowhai’s success throughout the year firmly cements them as the undisputed house champions. Way to go Kowhai!!
Mahi Tahi
Our Mahi Tahi Week was a special time when we all came together to celebrate our year-long community projects. Throughout the week, students, teachers, and whānau celebrated various events and projects that emphasised the importance of teamwork. From class projects to syndicate goals, Mahi Tahi Week highlighted the strengths and creativity that emerge when we collaborate. It was a time of sharing, reflecting, and celebrating the positive impact we can achieve when we unite our efforts. The spirit of Mahi Tahi continues to inspire a sense of togetherness and cooperation in our MWPS community
Riroriro Whānau
Pīwakawaka Whānau
Tūī Whānau
Swimming: Year 3 – Year 6
Swimming is really important for kids because it helps keep them safe in the water and makes them strong and healthy. Learning to swim gives kids confidence, and it’s a fun way to play with friends. Swimming also helps kids make their muscles and bodies strong, and it’s something they can enjoy doing for their whole lives. It’s like a game that helps them move their arms and legs together, making them good at balancing and moving in the water. So, swimming is not just fun, it’s also good for their bodies and keeps them safe around water!
Whānau Hui
Our Whanau Hui was a special gathering where families and the school community came together to connect, share, and celebrate. During the hui, we discussed important matters, celebrated achievements, and strengthened the bonds between home and school. It provided a welcoming space for open communication, allowing families to actively engage in their child’s education. The Whanau Hui was not just a meeting; it was a heartfelt coming together, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration that enriches our school community
Pīwakawaka Whānau Trip: Auckland Museum
Our trip to the Auckland Museum was an amazing adventure, especially as we delved into the fascinating world of archaeology in the Pacific. Exploring the exhibits, we discovered ancient artifacts and treasures that unveiled the rich history and cultures of the Pacific Islands. The museum provided a hands-on experience, allowing us to touch and feel the tools, pottery, and objects used by people in the past. The journey through the archaeological displays deepened our understanding of the Pacific’s diverse heritage and left us with a profound appreciation for the ancient civilizations that once thrived in the region.
CM Games

On Tuesday, November 7th, Mr Rosewarne and Mrs Bowden led a boys’ basketball and girls’ netball team to participate in a 3-day CM Games tournament held at Bruce Pulman in Papakura. The competition showcased intense matchups, with schools travelling from as far as Coromandel, Tuakau, and Mangere. Our students faced challenges and tested their skills against some of the best teams in the region. Remarkably, both teams performed exceptionally well, and our basketball team even made it to the finals. Despite facing tough competition, the boys secured the silver medal—a tremendous accomplishment. Ka Pai tō mahi! All students exhibited outstanding sportsmanship and resilience in challenging situations, and we take immense pride in both teams’ achievements. A heartfelt thank you to all the whānau who came out to support—it is genuinely appreciated!


Diwali and Bollywood dance go hand in hand, bringing vibrant energy to the celebration. Many people showcase their dancing skills during Diwali parties, performing lively Bollywood dance routines. The beats of Bollywood music add an extra dose of excitement to the festive atmosphere, making Diwali a time for both traditional rituals and modern entertainment. From classic dance moves to contemporary choreography, Diwali becomes a dazzling fusion of cultural traditions and Bollywood glamour on the dance floor.
Duffy Theatre
“Duffy Needs His Space!” directed by Jeff Szusterman and written by Lauren Jackson, follows Duffy’s fascination with the James Webb Space Telescope and his unexpected adventure into multiple universes with his alter ego. The show explores their escapades in outer space, emphasizing the power of books and reading. As an annual event at MWPS, Duffy Theatre brings stories to life, sparks the imagination, and teaches kids about emotions through engaging performances, fostering a fun and attentive audience experience.
Tūī Whānau Trip: Nathan Homestead
Our senior school trip to Nathan Homestead was a memorable journey into history and culture. Through guided tours and interactive activities, we learned about the rich heritage of the homestead and its significance in the local community. The trip offered an educational and connecting experience, fostering an appreciation for the cultural stories preserved at Nathan Homestead.
Life Education Caravan
When the Life Education Caravan visited our school, it brought exciting lessons on health and well-being. Students engaged in interactive sessions covering topics like nutrition, making healthy choices, and life skills. The caravan’s visit was not just educational but a fun experience that left a lasting impact on our understanding of a healthy lifestyle.
Niuean Language Week
Niuean Language Week in New Zealand annually celebrates Niuean culture, language, and heritage. The week features various activities such as cultural performances and language lessons to promote understanding and appreciation. It serves as a vital initiative for preserving the Niuean language, fostering community, and enhancing cross-cultural understanding. Through events and participation, it contributes to a more inclusive and culturally aware society in New Zealand.
Fijian Language Week
Bula Vinaka! Fiji Language Week (8-14 October 2023) celebrated the Fijian culture in New Zealand, with 19,722 identifying as Fijian in the 2018 census. The week allowed students to engage in Fijian language, song, dance, and cultural events, fostering cultural understanding. Learning a new language enriches our perspectives and promotes appreciation for diverse beliefs and practices, contributing to a more culturally aware society. The Fijian Dance Group, led by Mrs Kumar, showcased a captivating Indigenous Dance routine, demonstrating grace, beauty, and poise. A big thank you to Mrs. Kumar and the dancers for this enriching experience.

Term 3 House Cup Winners

Three terms down and one to go and our MWPS House Cup competition is intense. MWPS is delighted to announce that, following weeks of fierce competition, Kowhai has taken out the House Cup for Term 3.

1st Place: Kowhai 36,986 points

2nd Place: Karakaraka 36,640 points

3rd Place: Kakariki 36,464 points

4th Place: Waiporoporo 35,172 points
MWPS Mahi Tahi Learning Journey

It was wonderful to host our MWPS Learning Journey open afternoon again after a 3-year hiatus. Parents and whānau explored our kura, visiting classrooms and listening to their children share their learning activities, classroom environment, workbooks and classwork, watched them demonstrate the use of learning equipment, explain their group and collaborative work, and participated in the learning activities set up in their classroom. Lots of whānau were active asking questions about the work and learning their children were doing, what they would like them to continue working hard at, the pleasing developments they could see them making and sharing suggestions or stories of their own learning experiences. A huge thank-you to all our parents and whānau who came to join us. Students showing and discussing their learning helps develop a sense of pride in the school mahi. Ka mau te wehi!

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori
Each year in September, Te Wiki o te Reo Māori is commemorated to pay tribute to Te Petihana Reo Māori and the dedicated advocates who worked tirelessly to ensure the preservation and transmission of te reo for generations to come. This year, the theme “Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori” remained the focus, carrying forward the momentum from 2022 in strengthening the language.
Enjoy watching our Te Wiki o te Reo Māori video which showcases just some of our activities and celebrations. 

Tongan Language Week

Tongan Language Week, also known as Uike Kātoanga’i ‘o e Lea Faka-Tonga, is a vibrant cultural celebration that takes place annually in New Zealand. It typically occurs in September and lasts for a week, highlighting the rich heritage of our Tongan community. During this week, various events, and activities were organised to promote the Tongan language and culture. It provides an opportunity for our Tongan learners to connect with their roots, share cultural stories and educate others about their language and customs. 

Whānau Workshops: Literacy Learning at MWPS

This term we shared an open invitation to all our parents and caregivers to a series of Wh,ānau Workshops focused on “Literacy Learning at MWPS”.

MWPS is participating in professional learning in Structured Literacy and as a result, our teaching practices are changing to align with this teaching approach in spelling, reading and writing. These workshops were wonderful opportunities to share our journey with parents and caregivers.

Each session was hosted by our lovely Assistant Principal, Mrs Gosnell where she shared why we are making this important change, what is in our literacy scope and sequence, how literacy is taught in the classroom and where we are headed next. It was a great chance to ask questions and see what your child experiences in our kura every day. Each session ended with tea, coffee and light refreshments. A big thank-you to all whānau who attended. 

Key takeaways from our MWPS Whānau Workshops include the following:

  • Children are keen to show parents and caregivers how to learn to spell and often show their whānau how to syllable tap and finger spell.
  • Whānau can see that this way of learning is really different to what we experienced as learners. There is a growing sense of “Gee, I wish we were taught this way.”
  • Children are listening to the sounds in words and making connections when reading at home. They find this fun and are keen to show their knowledge.
  • Parents and caregivers are noticing a big difference and improvement in their children’s spelling. Especially for parents with older children who are now seeing the difference in younger siblings.
  • Parents are really impressed with the dedication and passion our MWPS staff have for their children and are amazed at the commitment to new learning and gold stand literacy practice across the school. This means a lot, thank you!
  • Whānau are really interested in the new teaching and learning practices but also want to know how they can help at home. As parents, we can see we need to change too and are looking forward to learning what to do. 

Book Launch: Ngā Roimata Tioata

The collaboration with the tamariki on a Matariki-themed pukapuka was a remarkable experience, deepening their understanding of this special occasion through personal narratives about each star. This endeavour forged meaningful connections between our learners and their Māori culture, a rewarding outcome. Additionally, the creation of this Matariki resource by our own young authors contributes significantly to knowledge and comprehension of the tradition, promoting cultural understanding and inclusivity.

‘Ngā Roimata Tioata, Crystal Tears’ has the potential to educate not only our MWPS community but also those unfamiliar with Matariki. This work enriches the lives of our learners, empowering them as published authors and creating a ripple effect of learning and appreciation for Matariki. Congratulations to the writers on this achievement! A special thanks to Mrs Madden, David Riley, the Manurewa Local Board, and Beyond Horizon Trust for sponsoring the book’s publishing costs. It’s another outstanding achievement for our students, whānau and kura.

New Entrant Afternoon Tea

Our New Entrant Parent Afternoon Tea was a delightful event that brought together parents of children who had recently joined our MWPS community. Held in our New Entrant Hub, the tea provided an opportunity for parents to connect and get to know each other. The event featured a fabulous information session hosted by our New Entrant Lead Teacher, Mrs Ioelu and our Junior School Team Lead, Mrs Connal and attended by our Assistant Principal, Mrs Gosnell, our Deputy Principal, Mrs Bowden and our Principal, Mrs Naidoo. There was a warm and welcoming atmosphere in the room which was reflected in the range of questions and open sharing from our new parents. It was wonderful to see parents sharing experiences, exchanging advice, and building a network within the school community.  

MPSSA Cross Country

The Year 4-6 students who were placed in the top 3 in our MWPS Fun Run for their age group, had the privilege of representing our school at the MPSSA Cross Country event held at Reremoana School.  It is always fantastic to watch our students give it their all and the wonderful support they receive along the way from cheerful supporters.  We are extremely proud of every student who participated.

Congratulations to our standout runners who were placed on the day:

Year 4 Girls

  • 2nd Place to Kowhai of PW6
  • 4th Place to Tarah of PW5

Year 5 Boys

  • 1st Place to Mohamed of TW3

Maths Week

This week was a massive week of maths magic and high-energy learning hosted by our amazing Deputy Principal, Mrs Bowden. On Monday, we kicked off Maths Week and our very own MWPS Football World Cup. Soccer is a team sport, and everyone had a role to play! Each class was their own team and worked collaboratively across the week to complete a range of learning activities to accrue points. Check out our Maths World Cup Challenges:

  • Design your own country, country name, country facts and prices
  • Class word problems
  • Design a soccer ball using tessellation patterns
  • Create a class wall display space where you will showcase your country’s completed tasks throughout the week.
  • Write a myth 
  • Design a shin guard to withstand a ball
  • PE: Soccer skills
  • Orienteering: Riroriro Whānau
  • Lunchtime Challenges: Crack the code
  • Design a soccer uniform
  • Daily maths riddles

The top country from each whānau headed to the MWPS Football World Cup finals on Thursday afternoon and we wrapped the week up with a Maths Challenge for Friday’s House competition.  All our learners were commended on their participation and engagement throughout the week. Congratulations to our medal winners; PW4 took out the bronze medal, TW2 took the silver medal, and RW2 claimed the gold medal!

Cook Island Language Week

Kia Orana! We love celebrating Cook Island Language Week!

This year’s theme, ‘Ātuitui’ia au ki te au peu o tōku kāinga Ipukarea’, urges us to connect with the traditions and culture of our homeland. We were very excited to integrate o te reo Māori Kūki ‘Āirani into our daily programmes.

As part of our celebrations, we enjoyed performances from our Year 0 – 4 School Pasifika Group and our Senior School Pasifika Group.  We were captivated and delighted by the Cook Island Drum Ropu who visited us midweek and showcased a range of skills and talents in Cook Island drumming, ukulele, cultural dance and songs.


We warmly welcomed our whānau to join us for Friday’s assembly, followed by a Fono where we could share ideas and insights about our anau’s learning journey. Together, we made Cook Island Langage Week a memorable celebration of our heritage and knowledge.

Counties Rugby and Counties Manukau Steelers

MWPS was lucky to have a visit from Counties Rugby and a few Counties Manukau Steelers players. 36 students were selected to attend and were able to ask lots of questions and had loads of fun playing some different games with the players.  Afterwards, Counties Rugby gifted our school a ball signed by all of the Steelers squad, as well as tickets for our lucky students who came along!

Their sponsor Bhana Family Farms also donated 50 bags of potatoes to go home for our students and their whānau.

A massive thank you again to Counties Rugby and the Counties Manukau Steelers, good luck with your season!

MPSSA Netball Tournament

MWPS took a Year 5 and 6 boys and a Year 5 and 6 girls netball team to compete at the MPSSA Netball Tournament hosted at Browns Road Netball Courts this year. The girls had an awesome day and managed to win 5 of 6 games to finish fifth place out of 21 Schools. The boys also won all their games except one and finished in second place out of 18 Schools.  An awesome achievement by our senior school students and we are super proud. Ka pai!

Special mention to Sandina from Manurewa Netball for umpiring both of our teams over the day. Thank you we appreciate it!

Fun Run

Our annual MWPS Fun Run was a vibrant and joyous event that brought together staff and students alike, especially after having to postpone twice due to awful weather. The air was filled with the sound of students’ laughter and the sight of their beaming smiles and chalked-coloured clothes as they raced around the track. It was truly heartwarming to see the entire school community coming together for a day of fitness, fun, and camaraderie. With each step, students not only embraced the spirit of healthy competition but also celebrated the importance of physical health and perseverance. The fun run provided an opportunity for our students to learn valuable life lessons while having a blast. 

Term 2 House Cup Winners

We are halfway through the year and therefore halfway through our MWPS House Cup competition. MWPS is thrilled to announce that after weeks of intense competition, the House Cup goes to …wait for it … drumroll… Kowhai! 

The competition was utterly fierce and ooh so close, what a spectacular finish to the term. Karakaraka moved into second place, Kakariki into third and Waiporoporo fourth. The battle is on!


1st Place: Kowhai 22,711 points

2nd Place: Karakaraka 22,705 points

3rd Place: Kakariki 22,606 points

4th Place: Waiporoporo 22,203 points

Steam Week 

Steam Week is aimed at inspiring and engaging our students in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Maths. During this week-long celebration, our tamariki had the opportunity to explore, create and innovate through a wide range of hands-on activities. We also combined it with our Matariki celebrations. Matariki fell during our holidays this year, so we used the last two weeks of the term to explore and learn all about Matariki. Daily riddles, make and create activities -a fantastic week!

Samoan Language Week

Tālofa lava ? Happy Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa – Samoan Language Week!

This year’s theme was ‘Mitamita i lau gagana, maua’a lou fa’asinomaga’ which means ‘Be proud of your language and grounded in your identity’. The Samoan language has many components. There is simple Samoan, and there is more complex Samoan. There is everyday language and then there is respectful language. There is language specific to young people, and then language that pertains to chiefs and orators. The Samoan language has depth. This year’s theme for Samoa Language Week encouraged all use of the Samoan language, from the language most fitting for young people, to the Samoan language used by adults and older Samoans. Whatever stage you are at on your language journey, and how well you can speak and understand Samoan, it is important to continue to use it daily so that the Samoan language thrives.
Kurawaka Animation Studios Visit

Following on from the huge success of a published collection of short stories by a select group of Senior School authors and illustrators in 2022, another group of writers and illustrators within our Senior School have been busy with their Matariki publication.  As part of this process, our student illustrators had the opportunity to work with highly skilled illustrators and animators to bring their creative pieces to life.  A huge thank you to Mrs Madden for overseeing this wonderful project.  

New Entrant Afternoon Tea

Our MWPS New Entrant Parent Afternoon Tea provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere for parents to connect and share their experiences as their children embark on their school journey. Delicious treats and a variety of tea options were served, creating a delightful environment for parents to relax and engage in meaningful conversations about their children’s first year at school. Not only did our amazing Riroriro Team Lead, Mrs Natasha Connal and NE Hub leader Mrs Ioelu talk about life in the Junior School and what it is like to be a learner in the NE Hub, but all participants received a New Entrant learning pack. Our New Entrant learning packs provide valuable resources and information for parents, equipping them with the knowledge and support they needed to navigate their child’s educational journey with confidence and ease.

MPSSA Rippa Rugby Tournament

 On Wednesday 24th May, MWPS Rippa Rugby stars competed in the annual MPSSA Rippa Rugby Tournament held at Moutfort Park. Manurewa West hosted the tournament once again, with all the mahi completed by our very own Mr Rosewarne who did an amazing job!  Ka rawe Mr Rosewarne! We entered a team in both A grade and B Grade. Our B-grade superstars competed fiercely coming in overall 7th out of 14 teams – Well done! Our A-grade team put in a near-perfect performance, losing only 1 game in the competition. It was this team, that they faced in the final, where they won and became champions!

A big congratulations to all our players on your excellent sportsmanship and skill!

Mother’s Day Writing Competition

Learners were encouraged to write a short story about their Mum, sister, Aunty, or a special female in their life.

The winners who produced an outstanding piece of writing won a Bed, Bath and Beyond Voucher and a beautiful stem of strelitzia each. A big thank-you to Bernadette Kelly our amazing sponsor. 

Writing Competition Winners:

  • Riroriro Whānau: Lily, Katrina, Junior 
  • Pīwakawaka Whānau: Camron, Angel, Faizaan
  • Tūī Whānau: Jacob, Siupeli, Ella, Kaynohs

Sign Language Week

This week we explored a range of sign language activities and learnt to sign a song which we will sing at Assembly on Friday. Find out what’s going on at or try learning the New Zealand Sign Language Alphabet!


Te Whareumu Kāmura

As part of  Tūī Whānau Options 2023, we have launched Te Whareumu Kāmura where the tamariki of Tūī whānau are given the opportunity to become taitamariki kaitunu kai or young chefs.  We have been investigating healthy food choices, nutrition, farming and growing techniques and how to cook nutritious meals for whānau from scratch with whats in the fridge or larder. 

In our first sessions, we have made New York style pizza from scratch and the ultimate chocolate chunk cookies. Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at buying items in bulk and ‘splitting them down’ to ensure that there’s always a meal that can be made from ingredients at home, preparing fresh, seasonal  fruit and vegetables and putting together a hāngi to celebrate Matariki.

Cooking is the ultimate skill: you learn maths, literacy, science, technology and social studies while researching, creating, designing and testing recipes.  Plus, you get to eat awesome kai too!!

Pink Shirt Day

It was a sea of pink at this morning’s assembly.  It’s wonderful to join in with our students and staff to highlight bullying, as it is a very serious issue in New Zealand.  Pink Shirt Day is an anti-bullying campaign that celebrates diversity and creates environments where all people can feel safe, valued and respected.  Each year workplaces, schools, organisations and individuals join the movement to make a stand against bullying.  Let’s all do our bit and play our part in making schools and communities safer for all of us and our children

Book Blast

Our 2023 Book Blast has been a huge success, with learners loving our ‘Aotearoa: Tales as Old as Time’ theme.  Our annual celebration provided us with a fantastic opportunity to promote reading and literacy among our amazing akongā.  Our passionate kaiako organised a range of multilingual mapping and storytelling activities and events throughout the week, including:

  • A large interactive map activity in the library and literacy centre, a “Where in Manurewa?” and a “Where in Tamaki Makaurau?” are Mrs Bowden and Mrs Gosnell
  • Our fab MWPS Reading Challenge
  • Fun Whānau challenges at home for house points
  • Character Day parade! 

The children had a wonderful time exploring new books, authors, and genres, and we were delighted to see so many of them engage with reading in new and exciting ways.  We believe that fostering a love of reading is a crucial part of a child’s development, and our Book Blast was an excellent way to inspire our students to become lifelong readers.  

We want to extend a big thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s event and helped make it such a memorable and enjoyable experience for all.

Competition Winners: Disney Bag full of Books

  • Riroriro Whānau: Evangeline 
  • Pīwakawaka Whānau: Ruby-Rozay 
  • Tūī Whānau: Letroyoden 

We are very grateful to our very generous sponsor Bernadette Kelly who made this possible.

Character Parade Prize Packs Winners:

  • Riroriro Whānau: Vihaan, Shalom, Niyah, Nikolasi
  • Pīwakawaka Whānau: Anetelea, Chorus, Kearah, Scout, Christella, Rebecca
  • Tūī Whānau: Cekyrus, Kyla, Cole  Malakai  Christian  Vuk  

Term 1 House Cup Winners

Hey everyone! It’s time to reveal the winners of this term’s House Cup competition. MWPS is thrilled to announce that after weeks of intense competition, the House Cup goes to none other than… drumroll… Kowhai!

Kowhai has emerged victorious, showing incredible teamwork, courage, and determination throughout the challenges. A huge shout-out to the runners-up, Kakariki, Karakaraka and Waiporoporo who put up an incredible fight. Keep up the fantastic work, and let’s make the next term even more exciting!


1st Place: Kowhai 18912 points

2nd Place: Kakariki 18281 points

3rd Place: Karakaraka 17205 points

4th Place: Waiporoporo 16933 points

Anzac Assembly

As we commemorated ANZAC Day, we remembered the sacrifices made by the Australian and New Zealand soldiers who landed on the beach at Gallipoli on April 25, 1915. We also remembered the many other brave servicemen and women who have served and continue to serve our country. As always we give special acknowledgement to the Māori Battalion.  The Māori Battalion, also known as the 28th Māori Battalion, was formed in 1939 after the New Zealand government agreed to the formation of a Māori unit, in response to a request from Māori leaders who wanted to show their loyalty to New Zealand and support for the war effort.

The Māori Battalion served in the Middle East and North Africa and was involved in many key battles, including the Battle of Crete, the Siege of Tobruk, and the Battle of El Alamein. The Battalion was renowned for their bravery, discipline, and fighting spirit, and earned a reputation as one of the best fighting units of the Allied forces.


Anzac Day always brings reflection, meaning and a sense of deep gratitude.

Today and every day, we remember them.

Health & Physical Education Week

Health and Physical Education Week, was an exciting event that emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. The week was packed with engaging activities and workshops that encouraged our akongā  to stay fit and healthy.

During the week, our learners participated in a series of nutrition workshops that taught them the importance of eating a balanced and healthy diet. These interactive workshops provided our students with valuable knowledge and insights into the food they consume, helping them make better food choices.

Another highlight of the week was the whole-school Jump Jam sessions, which were led by our amazing Miss Val. Jump Jam is a popular fitness program that combines dance and aerobics to promote an enjoyable and healthy way to stay active. Our students were thrilled to participate in these energetic and fun-filled sessions, which helped them to stay fit and active.

To conclude the week, we had an exciting Athletics Day that featured a range of activities and challenges. Our students took part in sprint races, balancing activities, and a variety of target-throwing challenges using hoops, weighted bags, and small balls. It was a fantastic way to end the week and encourage our students to put their newfound knowledge and skills into practice.


Writing Week: MWPS Comic Creations

Manurewa West Primary School recently celebrated a successful Writing Week with the theme of ‘Cartoon Creations’. This fun and engaging event provided a platform for our students to showcase their creativity and writing skills through cartooning.

As a special highlight, we were fortunate to have New Zealand author and cartoon artist, Stu Duval, visit our school. Stu ran a series of workshops over two days for all three whānau groups Riroriro, Pīwakawaka and Tūī.  The workshops were interactive and engaging, allowing our students to learn about the process of creating cartoons and comic strips, from developing characters to writing storylines. 

The workshops were a huge success, with Stu sharing his experiences and insights into the world of cartooning and providing valuable tips for aspiring writers and artists. Our students were thrilled to learn from a professional and inspired by his passion for the craft.


What Now


A highlight from Term 1 was definitely having the What Now team visit us at Manurewa West Primary School. It was amazing! Mr Rosewarne ended up on stage doing the ‘Caterpillar’ and then was covered in ….gunge! 



Whakapapa Trip

Every learner in our kura was involved in our Whakapapa Trip, this was an incredible opportunity for our students to learn about the rich history and cultural significance of our māunga and moana. We started the day at the base of Matukutureia where we took time talking about the history of the māunga and practising our sketching skills. Then we continued on our whakapapa journey and spent time at Manukanuka, our moana. We took rubbish bags and gloves and collected as much rubbish as we could find so our beach and nearby playground could be enjoyed by the whole community. Then we had the opportunity to play different Māori games that Mrs Madden had organised for us. We learnt so much and now when we say our school pepeha we know we are connected.



Whānau Picnic

It has been a long time since we have all been able to come together at the start of the year and enjoy a shared experience. Our Whānau Picnic is an annual event that provides a great opportunity for our MWPS community to come together and enjoy an evening of fun and relaxation. There were plenty of activities for all ages, including games, sports, colour fun, and more. Everyone brought their picnic blankets, chairs, and sunscreen, and we all had a great time. It was wonderful to see our school community come together and enjoy each other’s company. 


Congratulations to all our spot prize winners!




One of our weekly highlights is coming together at the end of each week to share at our MWPS Assembly. This week PW1 and PW2 presented their learning and shared some amazing statistics mahi that they had achieved together in class. Check out our video below, or even better come and join us on Friday mornings at 9am in the MWPS Hall for Assembly. All welcome



Mihi Whakatau

On the first Friday of school, we welcomed new students and staff into our MWPS whānau with a mihi whakatau. For those new to our shores, a mihi whakatau is a traditional Māori welcome ceremony. The purpose of the mihi whakatau is to remove the tapu of the Manuhiri (visitors) to make them one with the tangata whenua (Home people). It is a special process of the manuhiri and the tangata whenua coming together.

A warm welcome to our new whānau, we are so pleased you have chosen MWPS to serve your tamariki and whānau. The start to the 2023 school year has not gone as hoped, but in all things we celebrate our special moments & uplift others, extend manākitanga and foster a sense of whanaungatanga.