Announcements : 

Nau Mai, Haere mai, Welcome to MWPS                                        Classes open at 8:30am                                                School starts at 8:50am

Student Leaders

Growing student leadership is a key focus for our senior students. Many of our students aspire to be a student leader in their final year at Manurewa West Primary. 

Year 6 students are provided with opportunities to :

  • Lead in areas of personal strength.
  • Lead school activities such as running assemblies, hosting visitors, or inducting and looking after new students.
  • Lead or have input into activities e.g. kapa haka, clubs, enviro-schools, sport, or health.
  • Experience mentoring programmes for student leaders, peer, buddy, tuakana–teina approaches, whānau, or house groupings.

Year 6 applicants go through a rigorous process from the initial application through to the interview with our Deputy Principal, Mrs Bowden followed by shortlisting and selection.

2024 Student Leadership Roles

MWPS Student Leaders: Huia Ākonga

Kaynohs, Ivory, Shayan, Lupepe, Naite, Olivia, Malakai, Diyan

Sports Leaders: Huia Kakinakina

Frank, Mohamed, Tsidkenu, Kaynohs, Ivory, Taliya, Harmony, Vegetta

Librarians: Ngati Huia

Merlia, Kyel, Reagan, Jordyn, Inara

Health Leaders: Huia Hauora

Avya, Eliana, Olivia, Tanvi

PALS: Huia kakinakina

Shanvi, Aaron, Lisieli, Naite, Grace, Chin

AV Leaders: Huia Hangarau

Sunchristian, Malakai, Aleesha, Ra’eesah, Lupepe, Roman, Choren

Road Patrol Leaders: Ngati Kotare

Wiremu, Jerrish, Zyla, Evolym, Sunchristian, Raki, Johnny, Gary, Choren, Lupepe, Ivory, Aiesha, Harmony, Cekyrus, Ra’eesah, Roman, Kaynohs, Liua, Eliana, Gizelle, Olivia, Ethyn, Tsidkenu, Jordyn, Shanvi, Diyan, Wilson, Inara, Grace, Chin, Edison

Congratulations to our 2024 Student Leaders

We are incredibly proud of each one of you!